Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Lesson three!

I started on Lesson three, its strange, i tried to use the the pencil for some stuff but it doesn't work out so well =(


I finished some more lessons and will posting them soon, although for right now i am going to work on other stuffs, although i still have learned alot from photoshop CS3

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Lesson DOS! (two)

I finished lesson two, and i learned how to put words into the picture that i am viewing without missing up any of the pictures, nor the background this tool would seem usefull if needed for some sort of birthday card or something i would assume, although i am still learning this lesson three looks pretty difficult.

Wish me LUCK~

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Photoshop lesson one.

Today's lesson was learning how to shad, i did actually pretty well, although it was fairly easy, i think i got the basic's down although i'm still a noob. can you tell the diffrence?!